Isotech’s Seismic Equipment Restraint Brackets are manufactured from high-strength steel and are designed to secure mechanical equipment to the structure. For ease of installation, IERBs have pre-drilled holes for anchor and screws for attachment to the equipment. These brackets can be combined with elastomeric pads (IRMR) and Acoustical Grommets (IGR) to offer vibration isolation for mechanical equipment.
Competitive Advantages: IERB Seismic restraint bracket is engineered and developed with high yield steel material that offers significant improved resisting seismic capacities compared to equivalent competitors’ product, resulting in higher capacities for a lower manufacturing cost, therefore providing Isotech with the cost competitiveness over other vendors in the industry. IERB is pre-engineered for at least 1 g of lateral seismic force, and mounts to equipment base frames to secure the equipment safely to the structure.
For maximum corrosion protection, the supporting bracket has hot-dip galvanized finish.